Juney Smith has dated more than TWO HUNDRED younger men calls guys her age 'boring'

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Wednesday, August 21, 2024

This 52-year-old single woman has laid claim to being the UK's 'top cougar'.

Businesswoman Juney Smith, from St Albans, has dated more than 250 younger men since she turned 30, insisting it keeps her young - adding that men her age either can't offer what young men can - or simply have no idea how to 'date properly'.

'The guys I date range in age from 18 to 45,' she says. 'I meet them at clubs, out grocery shopping, at art galleries, at service stations, and it is always the young guy who hits on me.'

Businesswoman Juney Smith, from St Albans (pictured), previously claimed to have dated more than 250 younger men since she turned 30, insisting it keeps her young

Businesswoman Juney Smith, from St Albans (pictured), has dated more than 250 younger men since she turned 30, insisting it keeps her young

Juney, who has never married or had children, explains: ‘I have always dated younger but really focused on it from the age of 30, and among the guys I've gone out with were (teenage) lads aged 18 to 20. I haven't looked back since.'

She adds: 'I tried dating men my own age but they are boring, bad in bed and frankly not eager to please. Plus, after a divorce they return to the dating scene and simply are out of their depth. 

'They have missed out on a generation of dating changes.'

However, Juney is quick to clarify that she hasn't slept with all 250 of her conquests. 


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'Some I've had coffee with, some just drinks, others we've gone to a party,' she explains. 'I have slept with some, and some I have had a longer relationship with.'

She insists that while she enjoys dating in 'all its forms' she refuses to be unfavourably labelled.

Juney, who is currently working on an amateur comedy theatre production, continues: 'I am definitely not a slut which is what people automatically assume comes with the word cougar. I am "sex positive". 

Juney, pictured with one of her dates, previously said that men her age either can't offer what young men can - or simply have no idea how to 'date properly'

Juney, pictured with one of her conquests, says men her age either can't offer what young men can - or simply have no idea how to 'date properly'

The businesswoman previously said: 'The guys I date range in age from 18 to 45 - I meet them at clubs, out grocery shopping, at art galleries, at service stations'

She says, 'The guys I date range in age from 18 to 45 - I meet them at clubs, out grocery shopping, at art galleries, at service stations'

Outspoken Juney, who has never married or had children, once claimed: 'It is always the young guy who hits on me' - but she appears to have turned a corner in her dating life

Outspoken Juney, who has never married or had children, adds, 'it is always the young guy who hits on me'

Speaking of her former preference for younger men, Juney said: 'I tried dating men my own age but they are boring, bad in bed and frankly not eager to please'

She says, 'I tried dating men my own age but they are boring, bad in bed and frankly not eager to please'

'That means I feel sexy, like to look good and enjoy sex with the right man and am not afraid to talk about it.

‘I enjoy sex but before that I have to date. I consider my approach to men very American. Manhattan dating or accepting invitations for dinner and outings with up to three to four men 'separately of course' over a week is how it works. 

'You don't just date one guy until you decide to become exclusive.’

Juney admits that dating men who are younger than her is both an obsession and addition.

‘They make me feel young,' she says. 'I have fun with them, I don't want kids and marriage and they keep me on my toes. They know how to enjoy life and what many women might find surprising is young men are extremely sexually adept and if not they're eager to take direction.'

Speaking last year, Juney was quick to clarify that she hasn't slept with all 250 of her conquests - some of them have just been dates which haven't gone any further

Juney is quick to clarify that she hasn't slept with all 250 of her conquests - some of them have just been dates

Juney has previously insisted: 'I am definitely not a s*** which is what people automatically assume comes with the word cougar'

She says, 'I am definitely not a slut which is what people automatically assume comes with the word cougar'

Juney admits that dating men who are younger than her is both an obsession and addition She says it keeps her feeling young

Juney admits that dating men who are younger than her is both an obsession and addition, because it keeps her feeling young

She says many people she grew up with have difficulty understanding her decision not to get married and have children Juney on a pizza date

She says many people she grew up with have difficulty understanding her decision not to get married and have children

Juney, who says men often mistake her for 30 to 35 years old, elaborates: ‘Most of the men I date admire my sense of fun, style and the fact I am not after marriage and kids. 

'When you're a cougar you need to date younger guys who know the rules from the start. The main one is the relationship won't be long-term but we will enjoy each other's company and a lot of the time doesn't involve sex. 

'I am also into 20-something music, and television shows like TOWIE and am young at heart. However even if you are an intellectual older women then there is always a younger man for you.’

Juney says she also meets men on girl's nights out when she and her single and married friends go to a meal and dancing.

‘I am a firm believer if you put out a friendly vibe that vibe will be felt,' she says. 'I do some internet dating but I meet men via work and parties, clubbing and even waiting for a train. 

Juney, pictured in her 20s She she still likes '20-something music' and TV shows like TOWIE

Juney, pictured (left) and (right) in her 20s says she still likes '20-something music' and TV shows like TOWIE

Juney, pictured in her 30s, says ‘I have always dated younger' She adds, 'But I really focused on it from the age of 30, and among the guys I've gone out with were lads aged 18 to 20'

Juney, pictured (left) and (right) in her 30s, says ‘I have always dated younger but really focused on it from the age of 30, and among the guys I've gone out with were lads aged 18 to 20'

Juney is also an actress (pictured) who is currently working on an amateur comedy theatre production

Juney is also an actress (pictured) who is currently working on an amateur comedy theatre production

'I am fun loving woman and if that means I am Cougar Queen then it makes me proud because I can hopefully share my expertise with men and women.’

Juney says many people she grew up with have difficulty understanding her decision not to get married and have children.

‘It's the non-traditional route and you have to be super confident this is what you want,’ she explains.

Juney, who keeps her trim size 12 figure by eating healthy and working out three to four times a week, says she is sick of women being labelled ‘cradle snatchers’ for dating younger men while men who date younger women are hailed as heroes.


1. Avoid the one night date guys

2. Don't fall for cheesy chat-up lines

3. If they're bad in bed tell them and help them improve

4. Let them pay for dates, then offer after 

5. Have shared interests. Date a teen interested in what you are interested in

6. Be prepared for your mates to be jealous

7. Let the relationship evolve - if you want a long term relationship ensure you make that clear early on

8. Try dating websites first and check the profiles to work out the gold-diggers from serious contenders

9. You may get some odd looks but feel empowered by them - people will be wondering your secret

10. Remain in control and remember the teen is with you because of the person, your age doesn't matter 

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‘For me age is just a number. I would be bored senseless with a man my age. 

'I haven't ruled out dating men my age or older but the problem is they don't know how to party, to date and often come with so much baggage it means their moves in and outside the bedroom are way behind the times.’

Juney, who is considering writing a 'how to manual on being a cougar', or running seminars for older women says many ladies she knows are scared to date 'young'.

‘They're worried about labels and what people think. For me that's rubbish. 

'I have tried and tested fashion looks for clubbing, partying, having coffee and diner that takes years off you and makes you look younger and ready for fun. 

'After a hard day at the office or a stressful week, a fun date and dancing is just what the doctor ordered for my mates,’ she explains.

She continues: 'It's a shame so many women in their 40's and older are too scared to date younger men. 

'So many women who find themselves divorced in their 40s and 50s have to sit back and watch while their ex-husbands marry a new younger wife and they are left desperately bumbling around trying to date an older man. 

'I tell these women: "Don't look for a long-term relationship - have a giggle and some fun and surprise yourself and date a younger man. You don't have to sleep with them or even kiss them but have some fun and you'll realise you are good looking and shouldn't be dismissed".’

Juney says she is sick of women being labelled ‘cradle snatchers’ for dating younger men Men who date younger women, she argues, are hailed as heroes

Juney says she is sick of women being labelled ‘cradle snatchers’ for dating younger men while men who date younger women are hailed as heroes

She once claimed that she keeps her trim size-12 figure by eating healthy and working out three to four times a week

She reveals that she keeps her trim size-12 figure by eating healthy and working out three to four times a week

Juney was previously considering writing a 'how to manual on being a cougar', or running seminars for older women - saying many ladies she knows are scared to date young men

Juney is considering writing a 'how to manual on being a cougar', or running seminars for older women, says many ladies she knows are scared to date young men

Juney also says older men should take lessons in dating. ‘There is a definite hole in the market. There should be a course for older men on how to date, what to talk about and what women expect.’

She does have some key advice for would-be cougars.

'For older women who want to date younger guys I say beware the lads who want someone to practice their love skills on, ones who are after a sugar mummy or guys who want a "quick leg over".

'Even if you lack confidence don't fall for flattery straight off, don't jump into bed the first chance they offer and ensure they do the work.’

She adds: 'A lot of the young men I've had relationships are quite sexually experienced. They've told me they read women's magazines, study what women want and put effort into foreplay. If you give them a suggestion they don't get moody like an older bloke, they take it on board.'

Juney, pictured recently She advises, 'For older women who want to date younger guys I say beware the lads who want someone to practise their love skills on'

Juney, pictured recently, advises, 'For older women who want to date younger guys I say beware the lads who want someone to practise their love skills on'

The buxom blonde concludes, 'Anyone who thinks it's taboo to date young and be "sex positive" needs their head read' 

The buxom blonde concludes, 'Anyone who thinks it's taboo to date young and be "sex positive" needs their head read' 

Surprisingly Juney claims its teen girls that make many teen guys turn to older women. ‘So many guys have told me all women their age are interested in is how they look, what someone's wearing and their weight,' she says. 

'They also claim young girls are so desperate to get a boyfriend they "drop their knickers" too easily and are not great in bed.

Young men are extremely sexually adept and if not they're eager to take direction 

‘I have watched as Caroline Flack who had a dalliance with Harry Styles and Demi Moore who was with Ashton Kutcher took a great deal of criticism, especially from younger women who claimed they were stealing their men.’

Juney says: ‘Ignore those silly teenage girls threatening you. Don't be frightened. There is nothing wrong with dating a teen. 

'Women like Demi Moore have made it cool to date and marry younger guys and ironically teen women seen with older blokes are labelled gold diggers were as an older woman with a younger bloke is given the thumbs up. 

'Anyone who thinks it's taboo to date young and be "sex positive" needs their head read. These young men know what they're getting into and do it because they want to and because girls their own age are not providing what they want.’

Juney says she plans to continue dating unless she finds a man to settle down with. 

‘I never say never. I don't regret my decision not to have children and am happy with my life,' she concludes. 'And I hope ladies over 50 will give the younger dating scene a try.’


