Man shot dead four days after posting Facebook video saying his neighbor, 67, was 'crazy'

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Four days before he was shot and killed, a Tennessee man uploaded a prescient video on Facebook complaining about his 'crazy,' gun-toting neighbor, and appealing for the local police to do something before it's too late.    

George Patterson, 67, has been arrested on a count of criminal homicide, which was later upgraded to first-degree murder, in the shooting death of his next-door neighbor, 43-year-old Davey Roach Jr, on the morning of November 23 in Rocky Top. 

According to Roach's fiancee, Felicia Adkins, and the victim's own social media posts, he and Patterson had a longstanding feud that began over who was allowed to mow the grass between their homes.

George Patterson, 67 Davey Roach, 43

George Patterson, 67 (left), from Tennessee, has been charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of his next-door neighbor, 43-year-old Davey Roach (right)

Four days before his death, Roach uploaded a video to Facebook, expressing concern that Patterson was armed at all times and 'crazy'

Four days before his death, Roach uploaded a video to Facebook, expressing concern that Patterson was armed at all times and 'crazy'

Roach complained to Rocky Top police saying Patterson had repeatedly threatened to kill him and his mother. 

On November 19, Roach filmed a video at his home, expressing concerns about Patterson, who he said always carried a gun and had a security camera surveying Roach's house. 

'The man's crazy, and every time we try to get something done about it, the cops just slap him on the wrist and say, "Well, you just got to look over George, he's crazy."'

Roach continued, addressing Patterson's purported habit of walking around armed at all times: 'some people know when to make the right decisions to use a gun, but a crazy man will shoot it at any time, and that's George.'

The victim wrote in a caption underneath the video, addressing the Rocky Top Police Department directly: 'please so something before he has one of his episodes and does something he will regret.'  

Just before 8am on November 23, police received a 911 call reporting a shooting in the 800 block of 300 block of Willow Lane. 

Roach had been documenting his longstanding feud with Patterson on social media

Roach had been documenting his longstanding feud with Patterson on social media 

Roach and his fiancee, Felicia Adkins George Patterson had been feuding with Roach and his mother

Roach's fiancee, Felicia Adkins (left), said he and Patterson (right) had a longstanding feud that began over who was allowed to mow the grass between their homes

Upon arrival, officers found Roach outside of his home suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Patterson admitted to firing his gun, but says he aimed at the ground between Roach's legs, according to an arrest warrant written by a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent. 

Patterson must now undergo a psychiatric evaluation to see if he is fit to stand trial in roach's killing, an Anderson County judge ruled Tuesday. A hearing is scheduled for March.


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Roach's fiance told the Knoxville News Sentinel a dispute between the father-of-two and Patterson had been escalating for more than a year after the two began fighting over a strip of land between their homes. 

Adkins said Patterson claimed the land and told Roach to stay off his property.

The neighbors' quarrel reached a boiling point on November 23 when Patterson saw Roach and Adkins driving by his house and began yelling threats at them.

Adkins said Roach got out of the truck and confronted Patterson after hearing the man threaten to kill his mother.

After a brief argument, Patterson pulled a gun on his neighbor, who was unarmed.

'Davey said, "I don't care what you do with it. You can shove it up your [expletive] for all I care,"' she said.

According to Adkins, her fiance turned his back on Patterson and headed back to the truck when the neighbor fired four or five rounds, causing Roach to collapse.

Adkins said she saw Patterson shoot Roach in the back multiple times after a brief argument on November 23

Adkins said she saw Patterson shoot Roach in the back multiple times after a brief argument on November 23

Adkins and Roach had been together for three years Roach and Adkins planned to get married in 2020

Adkins and Roach had been together for three years. They planned to get married in 2020

Roach and Adkins had just celebrated their third dating anniversary last month. The couple planned to get married in 2020.

'This man was my best friend in the whole world and I would give anything to have just 5 more minutes with him. I love you forever and always,' Adkins wrote on Facebook a week after Roach's death.  

Roach is survived by his son and daughter, who are expected to graduate high school next year, reported WVLT.   
