People Are Still Discriminating Against Red Hair

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Red hair is the statement shade that actors, musicians and supermodels often opt for, for its head-turning power, think Kim Kardashian's infamous cherry moment, Gigi Hadid's turn as a redhead and Arlo Parks showcasing a orange tinted buzz cut at the Brits. From auburn to copper, shades of red hair have been revered throughout history and across the globe. Yet with the UK laying claim to one of the highest percentages of redheads in the world, it's not lost on the natural born owners of this shade that it doesn't always attract compliments, in fact it can be the exact opposite.

“At primary school, I distinctly remember being partnered with another redhead when she joined the class a bit late,” says Jennifer, chef and founder of catering company @gingrkitchen. The topic we're discussing is red hair, and the often undiscussed topic of discrimination that many redheads experience as a result of their natural hair colour and so-called 'ginger' banter.

Kim Kardashian just made cherry red hair the hue of 2020. Here's the low-maintenance way to copy herGallery6 PhotosView Gallery

“I think the teacher was just trying to make her feel comfortable with a fellow ginger,” she reasons. “I remember thinking that’s weird, why is it acceptable to group us solely by our hair colour,” Jennifer questions. “You’re sort of singled out as being different especially at school,” she explains. "When a kid throws an insult, they’re going to use the quickest and easiest thing. As a redhead, that’s calling you ginger or ginga,” Jennifer reflects.

“Being a redhead is a big thing,” Jennifer explains “It’s part of my identity, and how I’m described first and foremost” she says. That’s why she chose to incorporate the word ‘ginger’ into her brand name. “I might as well own it,” she explains. But this redhead status goes deeper than just hair colour. “When you walk past another redhead, there’s this acknowledgement. There’s like a nod to the fact that we’ve all been through it,” Jennifer tells us.

Influencer @rosehoneymorgan knows exactly what Jennifer is talking about. “As a child, it wasn’t fun,” Rose admits, reflecting on her own childhood with red hair. “Strangers used to shout at me at least once a week when I was at school. Adults too,” Rose admits. “Mainly people would just holler ‘giiiingerrrr’ really loud, and you wouldn’t know who had shouted it. You either had to pretend you hadn’t heard, or laugh along, or shout something back. Other common remarks were: your hair is on fire, ginger freak, ginger kids don’t have souls (courtesy of South Park). Young children can’t really change their hair colour, so it upsets me that they have to deal with bullying,” she adds.

“Red hair is one of the few points of appearance people feel comfortable teasing others about. It’s not a taboo,” Rose discloses. “Redhead jokes are still fair game in film and television. Teachers and parents don’t correct it either. Whereas comments on weight and skin colour are out of bounds, hair jibes aren't” Rose summarises. “Just last weekend, my father-in-law told a ginger joke, then insisted my hair wasn’t ginger when he was pulled up on it. I often get that - people insisting I don’t have red hair. That it’s strawberry blonde or auburn, like having red or ginger hair is a terrible thing,” says Rose.

These stars prove there's a red hair shade for everyone, from auburn to cherryGallery28 PhotosView Gallery

Jennifer has her own story to add. “A couple of months ago, I had my friend’s kid over. She’s eight, and said “but you’re ginger. Ugh, no one wants to marry a ginger. She was talking to me, but my red-haired son was in the room too. I told her not to be ridiculous and that it was a silly thing to say, but she responded with well even your skin - look how light you are. I’m eight and I’m more tanned than you. At the time I brushed it off, and honestly didn't even think about it. But later on I was thinking, actually that’s really bad, that she’s eight years old and already formed that opinion.”

Kids say stupid things, right? But this isn’t a case of a few bruised feelings. This is seriously damaging behaviour. “Red-haired children have committed suicide as a result of bullying.” Rose despairs. “I don’t know why the prejudice isn’t taken more seriously.”

The Anti-Bullying Alliance are all too aware of the bullying statistics.
"Research shows that more than half of young people have been bullied for the way they look," says Martha Evans, Director of the Anti-Bullying Alliance. "Young people tell us they worry about many things that might make them ‘stand out’ including their appearance, disability, culture, or religion. All too often we hear this from red heads too. It is so important that we learn to celebrate the things that make us all different, and are clear that it is never OK to bully someone for any reason. If we are serious about reducing bullying, we have to work together. Be it online, in the community or in school, we all have a part to play."

No one would question the decision to step away from red after such experiences, but today, both Rose and Jennifer wear their natural hair colour with confidence. They have their mums to thank for that. “I always wanted blonde highlights, but my mum wouldn’t let me.” Says Jennifer. “She was like, don’t you dare. My mum has red hair, so she would say we’re ginger and we’re proud. She wouldn’t let me do it,” Jennifer laughs. “I longed to dye my hair as a kid, but my mum told me dying your hair was like getting a tattoo and you needed a parents signature if you were under 18. that even true?” Rose questions jokingly.

This red hair pride has filtered down, too. Even after experiencing personal battles with red hair, both Jennifer and Rose express their desire to pass on the redhead gene. “It’s such a strong part of my identity, it informs my lifestyle,” says Rose. “Like avoiding the sun. I long to have a little redhead to sit in the shade with,” she laughs. And Jennifer? “I’ve got three kids, and the third one was a redhead, so I always make the joke third time lucky,” she says.“I’ve also always been instinctively drawn to, and attracted to redheads, which I think is really interesting. Maybe it’s something to do with keeping the gene alive."[#gallery: /galleries/61389ad170a13dae5bdeaae1]
