What did Heidi do for a first job, which musical instrument can she play and who taught her to fly small planes?!
1. A is for Air Cadets
Heidi was a member of 2356 Caister-on-Sea squadron in Norfolk. They taught her how to fly small planes, how to march and how to do a Windsor knot in her tie!
2. B is for Basin
The whole internet wants to know why anyone thought the haircut in this school picture was a good idea!
3. C is for Clown Car
This is Heidi’s car. The one that Dave and Producer Nick relentlessly take the mickey out of and call a Clown Car. Laugh if you like. She doesn’t care!
4. D is for Drums
Oh look! Heidi in a band playing drums! She’d like to think otherwise but she's almost definitely the drummer in this joke... How do you know that there’s a drummer at your door? The knocking gets faster and they never know when to come in!
5. E is for Electronic Warfare
This was Heidi’s job in the Navy. She worked in the Ops Room, which is where all the radar screens are. She also worked as a mechanic on various parts of the ship. Princess Anne’s husband was the Captain and she once fixed his telly. He wanted to catch up on the Eastenders omnibus.* *That last line might not be true.
6. F is for First Job
Started waitressing at Haven Holiday camp and managed to sneak into the brochure! She bleached her hair herself for that pic. You can probably tell…
7. G is for Greek
Heidi lived in Cyprus for a couple of years and is brilliant at the language if you only want four large, milky coffees and a taxi to the airport!
8. H is for Hair
Not put off by the basin cut in picture 2, Heidi became a professional hair model for the same people who do Louise Redknapp's hair. She used to work the shows in London and Paris.
9. I is for Iron Throne
Queen Heidi of House Secker. Heidi and Producer Nick can have endless theory chats about Game of Thrones. Dave hates this... Which is why Heidi and Producer Nick do it!
10. J is for Jim Bones
Just one of the nicknames of Heidi’s dog – Sonny Jim. He was a Hungarian Puli sheepdog and a little tinker, who loved belly rubs, an occasional party ring biscuit and having the last word! They were best friends for 13 and a half years.
11. K is for Karaoke
What’s your go-to song? This is a rare photo of Heidi singing publicly, all those years in the school choir did not pay off. The last karaoke song she did was Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Physical’.
12. L is for Lily
Heidi’s favourite flowers are lilies. She always has a bunch in the house and grows these giant ones in her garden every year. They take months to form, flower for a week and usually get ravaged by the weather so all the petals fall off. But hey, they smell nice!
13. M is for Mathematics
Heidi’s lost count but she thinks she’s taken GCSE Maths about three times! The information just won’t stick though and she’s only ever managed a grade ‘D’
14. N is for Nelson
Although Dave and Producer Nick believe Heidi is so old that she served on HMS Victory, the truth is stranger! She wasn’t there at the Battle of Trafalgar but one of the family was. Heidi is related to the bloke who caught Admiral Nelson when he was fatally shot.
15. O is for Oh Yes She Did!
Heidi was in a radio pantomime with Christopher Biggins. He played Cinderella, she played one of the Ugly Sisters…
16. P is for Party
Heidi really loves a buffet. She thinks it started when she was kid, where every Do in the 70's had one. This is her, aged 3, at a Queen's Jubilee party. Note: she has trifle round her mouth, a sandwich in her hand and a plate of pastry goods in front of her. She took the business of Party Buffet very seriously, and still does to this day.
17. Q is for Queasy
Things that make Heidi feel ill... Bounty chocolate bars or anything with desiccated coconut. Tequila. Dave wearing his really short, shorts!
18. R is for Royal Navy
Heidi served on warships around the world. Once, the frigate she was on came across a ghost ship in the Bermuda Triangle. A team from the warship boarded the empty boat, dinner was on the table but the people were no-where to be found...
19. S is for Spiders
Heidi doesn’t mind them! And has some guest funnel web ones that live by her front door - she calls them ‘Hot Legs’
20. T is for Tall Things
Heidi REALLY hates heights. This is her and Dave at Go Ape. She cried at the tallest bit and Dave and Producer Nick had to try and talk her down.
21. U is for Ukulele
Heidi plays ukulele nearly every day
22. V is for Vegetarian
Heidi has been vegetarian since she was 12 years old because she loves ALL the animals.
23. W is for Weddings
Heidi only likes weddings for two things - bridesmaids dresses and the buffet! Here she is with her older sister enjoying one of those things.
24. X is for Xanadu
Xanadu is Heidi’s all-time favourite fantasy movie. It got panned by critics but she doesn't care! Heidi loves the music, the dancing, the clothes/make-up/hair, the roller-skating, Olivia Newton-John, Gene Kelly... literally all of it!
25. Y is for Yellow Line
Who said women can’t park! Heidi worked at a radio station in the Falkland Islands and they sent her off to have a go at marshalling the RAF flight which had just landed from the UK. She had to get the jumbo jet parked on the yellow line.
26. Z is for Zak's
Heidi’s been going to the burger chain since she was a kid. She always has the same thing. Nut burger, Zak’s spuds and all the condiments.